Thursday, July 23, 2009

Page 130 Amaretto-Pineapple Cupcakes

"These tropical cupcakes, scaled-down versions of the most well-known upside-down cake, have a retro appeal thanks to the flambe'ed fruit filling." - Martha

I have also devoured pineapple-upside down cake whenever my mother made it or when I've made them through the years. So naturally, when I saw this recipe I had to make it as closely as possible to Martha's. (I already knew what mine tastes like.)

I didn't have any fresh pineapple so I used Dole canned slices and instead of butter I used a product I hadn't used before called Smart Balance Spread. It's a half-butter/half-margarine product. I was very pleased with the results of both substitutions. I just couldn't believe I actually had Amaretto in the house!

The batter whipped up fluffy and the pineapple flambe' was perfectly caramelized, but the real problem occurred when I dressed the cakes. I filled the cupcakes just as the picture and the words denoted, then I fluffed up the cream and topped the cakes with it and a bit of extra flambe'. I turned my back to clean up the saute pan and PLOP! One by one the cupcakes began to fall off of the pedestal because they were top-heavy!

I ended up putting toothpicks in each cake to hold the top to the bottom, but there was no guarantee they'd stay on the platter. I guess you gotta eat these right away! They are the real Mccoy...Pineapple Upside-down Cupcakes alright!


  1. Dear Elle Marie - this is such a cool idea. I know you are enjoying this journey. You know you haven't made one yet according to the recipe which is so "you"!!! All the modifications seems really yummy!! Let me know if you need a 3rd party to taste test!!! Love, Doubleu Jean
