Friday, October 16, 2009

Page 68 Iced Pistachio Cupcakes

"These cupcakes are made with a triple dose of pistachio. Some nuts are ground to a paste and mixed into the batter, others are chopped and folded in at the end for added texture. Even more nuts are sprinkled on top as a colorful garnish. Slivered pistachios are available at specialty markets and baking-supply stores, if you can't find them, use chopped pistachios instead." - Martha

I really wasn't too sure about how this particular cupcake would taste. I like eating pistachios; I like eating them right out of the shell as well as roasted and salted. But neither of those translated to my brain as a good cupcake. I was sceptical, but how could I doubt Martha?

Let me tell you, these are so fresh and sweet and delicious! With or without the icing, they are so moist and tasty. I even used fat free cream cheese and margarine instead of butter during the course of making them. I was sort of trying to reduce the caloric value but mainly because it's what I had available.

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