Sunday, October 18, 2009

Page 72 Apricot-Glazed Black & White Cheesecakes

"With their cookie-crumb crust, creamy filling, and fruity topping, individual cheesecakes are a delightful spin on the full-sized dessert. Glossy apricot jam gives the desserts a golden glow, while store-bought chocolate wafers provide a crisp, quick-to-assemble base." - Martha

These cheesecakes were easy to make and they baked up nicely. I don't know if you have read my entire blog or not, but WAY BACK a couple of months ago, I made some raspberry swirled cheesecakes and they never baked right; they never ended up setting up even after days in the frig! These however, baked beautifully, set up nice and creamy but firm, and everyone that tasted them said they were heavenly.

The recipe calls for crumbled chocolate wafer cookies as a base for the crust, the cheesecake mixture and then heated and strained apricot jam for the topping. Sounded good and looked even better. But I was running out of time this particular day; I wanted to serve them for dessert to my family for our irregular "Everyone Come Back Home for Sunday Night Dinner" dinner. The recipe says to refrigerate them for 4 hours or overnight. I didn't have overnight and I didn't even have 4 hours! So my shortcut was to use Oreo cookies (whole) as the crust rather than crumbling cookies and mixing them with sugar and butter over the heat then to press some into each cupcake tin, etc. Way too much time involved when you are in a hurry! The cookies were a dream and a hit! I did use the jam though, but I know my family, and jam wouldn't have been enough to entice them to eat these dreamcakes. So I added a dollop of hot fudge to the top of the can you resist a chocolate-dipped apricot? 'Cause that's what these tasted like only with a cheeesecake attached.

I made the entire recipe of 18 cheesecakes; there aren't any left. I will be making these again someday soon. They would be cute for Halloween if you decorate them with mini chocolate chips on top of the jam in the design of a jack-o-lantern's face!

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