Friday, September 11, 2009

Page 26 Yellow Buttermilk Cupcakes

"You will likely make these cupakes again and again, varying the frosting and sprinkles to suit your whim or fancy. Two types of flour contribute to the cupcakes' singular texture: Cake flour makes for a delicate crumb, while all-purpose flour keeps them from being too tender." - Martha

I can't say much about these cupcakes...either I really did something wrong or this isn't the best recipe! I have been wondering how things would turn out with this recipe, since it called for so much buttermilk (hence the name) and I had hoped not to do any subbing on that issue as well. I had everything I needed for these golden treasures. But something definitely went wrong!

The batter was tasty; I always eat leftover batter from the bowl as a test...right! But the finished product was dense, thick, dry and all-around uneventful. I made the chocolate buttercream frosting and added jimmies as a garnish, so they looked so perfect. But one bite said, "Put me down!" And I have never said that about many cupcakes! I went over all of my work and couldn't find my mistake. I guess someday I will make them again to see if it was Martha or Marie!

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