Monday, August 24, 2009

Page 55 Applesauce-Spice cupcakes

"Applesauce in the batter makes these cupcakes incomparably moist. Pecans add a bit of texture, but they can be omitted. The creamcheese frosting gets a twist with the addition of brown sugar." - Martha

A few relatives were visiting this weekend and I thought since they were here and I wanted to make a treat they could take on the road with them, I decided on these Applesauce Cupcakes because they seemed easy and I thought I had all of the ingredients handy. As it turned out, I had everything but the flour. Can you believe that? Another bag of flour bit the dust and I didn't realize it until I was already underway with the recipe.

I had to really get creative this time, I thought, what could I use instead of flour? I really didn't want to have to get dressed to go to the store to finish these cupcakes. The day was already too full of "things to do." After reviewing the contents of my pantry, I chose to use my waffle mix. I had a half-gone box of Belgian Waffle Mix. The ingredients listed in it were flour, levening, sugar and salt, perhaps a bit of dried oils or such too. Those all seemed to be perfectly appropriate ingridients for the recipe I was making. So when it was time to add the dry ingredients, I simply used part flour (I had 1/2 cup of the needed 2 cups) and added the waffle mix to make up the rest. However, I also felt the need then to reduce the amount of baking soda by half because it already existed in the waffle mix; same with the salt. I had already added the sugar before I realized I was out of flour, so the sugar content in these cupcakes is higher than it would normally be. But who doesn't like sugar?

Seems they turned out pretty darn good! The texture is fluffy yet firm; the taste is superb. I made the suggested Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Frosting too...very nice. I'll have to remember my little substitution for the next time...but hopefully I won't have that problem again. Off to the store I go!

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